
Posts Tagged ‘gambling addiction problem’

Self Care While In Recovery From Your Gambling Problem

September 4, 2008 Leave a comment



If you are struggling with a gambling addiction problem and you are trying to recover, it is important that you practice self-care.


When you were in the midst of your addiction you were most likely not taking care of yourself very well. It is important that while you are in recovery that you take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically, and socially.


You most likely neglected all of these areas in your life while you were active in your addiction, and it is important that you tend to each area of your life that suffered while you were gambling. You are also making a conscious effort not to be self-destructive.


The most important thing that you could do when you make the choice to stop engaging in compulsive gambling is to make a list in order of priority. For example, you may need to make an appointment to see a therapist as part of  your self-care plan. In addition, you may need to visit a doctor or dentist  as well.


After you make a list, tackle this list slowly so you do not overwhelm yourself. Once you start your recovery from your gambling addiction you may be very tired, vulnerable, depressed, and anxious. Do not try to tackle too much at once, as this can set you up for a gambling relapse.


I do believe that once you start addressing these needs one by one, you will start to feel much better about yourself. When you actively suffer from a gambling addiction problem, your self esteem is most likely extremely low. It is hard to feel good about oneself while throwing away time, money, and positive relationships.


When we are self-destructive to our body and minds, there is no way that we can possibly feel good about ourselves.


As you begin to practice self-care in all areas of your life you will be less likely to engage in your gambling addiction behavior. It is truly impossible to practice self-care and self-destruction at the same time.


Best of luck in your recovery from your gambling addiction.


Michelle Tee

Help With Gambling Addiction Problem


111 Tips To Help Beat A Gambling Addiction Problem To Be Released in September 08

August 8, 2008 Leave a comment



111 Tips To Help You Beat Your Gambling Addiction Problem To Be Released Soon



Do you have a gambling addiction problem or know someone that does? In this day in age, it is not uncommon to know a person who makes regular visits to their local casino, throwing out their hard earned cash along the way.


Many people have easy access to a gambling casino within a 50 mile radius from their home. This easy casino access, as well as online gambling availability has created a dire situation.  In 2008, there are more people in the world with a gambling addiction than ever before.


Gambling addiction can cause extreme emotional and psychological distress, physical problems due to lack of self care, social isolation, spiritual disconnection, and financial devastation. Michelle Tee will be covering all of these areas in her new e-book called“ 111 Tips To Help You Beat Your Gambling Addiction Problem”


 The  book, available online and through her website. will be released on September 1st of 2008 and will provide helpful tips, ideas, strategies, and solutions to help individuals in the grips of a gambling addiction.


The book will be a tool for compulsive or addicted gamblers who are struggling to free themselves of their devastating gambling problem.


Michelle Tee, a former gambler herself knows first hand how powerful and debilitating gambling addiction can be. Having struggled with slot machine addiction herself, Ms. Tee is truly aware of the kind of despair, hopelessness, lack of self-worth, and financial devastation that gambling addiction can cause.


She is hoping that her  book will prove useful to many people currently struggling with a gambling addiction problem. Ms. Tee is also hoping that her book will motivate the reader to reclaim his or her life, and begin the road to a better future.




Michelle Tee

Gambling Addiction Problem Help and Solutions