
Posts Tagged ‘gambling addiction online gambling addiction’

What Is Dangerous About Online Gambling Addiction

August 10, 2008 Leave a comment



I just did some research on online gambling and the same theme kept repeating itself over and over. I am not going to site any statistics because I believe that many statistics can be wrong if not cited from a well conducted study.


What I did learn, however, is the following:


1.Online gambling is illegal in the U.S  and is run be offshore casinos that move from location to location. These are remote locations which are operating illegally in many instances. Scams can be abound, however, there is no system checking on these fly by night companies.


2. Moving from location to location creates no accountability or credibility by these offshore casinos. There are no legal controls on the games that are played by unsuspecting internet users throughout the world. The money lost to these unscrupulous casinos is in the millions.


3. Online gambling addiction has been increasing every year, and the individuals playing inside online casinos are getting younger and younger by the year. Individuals playing in online casinos are underage as well, and can become addicted to online gambling at a very young age.


4. The addictive nature and availability of online gambling makes this form of gambling one of the most dangerous. Because a gambler can play casino games right from his or her computer, there is access to gambling 24 hours a day. The implications of this scenario are very disturbing indeed.


5. There is a software program that prevents casinos from being able to operate on your own P.C.  is an excellent preventative tool for an individual with an online gambling addiction.


It is hoped that you learned a little bit about the dangers of online gambling and online gambling addiction.


For more help with a gambling problem, please call 1-800-GAMBLER in the US which is a referral source for help with a gambling addiction problem